Friday, November 7, 2008

Shoulder Ride.

Last night I sat down to watch Two and A Half Men with my dad. I hate to admit this show cracks me up, but it does. I was telling him about the Obama Rally. 

I said, "Jess climbed up on top of Jeff's shoulders and took pictures of the crowd."
He said, "Huh."
I said, "It was so neat just being there--"
He interrupted with, "Last time I had a girl on my shoulders...she was naked......"
I replied, "Ha!"
Then he said, "Come to think of it, I was naked, too."

Ahh, these are the conversations I have with my dad. No fucking wonder. 


Joe said...

I think the only thing your dad said to me when i visited last was, "How long have we known each other?"

Miranda Tegan said...

He said that because I mentioned that I'd known Ben for 10 years.